"Le anfore africane di Monte Testaccio (Roma). Considerazioni sulla composizione. Nota II."
Burragato F., Di Russo P., Grubessi O. ( 1995 )
Estudis sobre ceràmica antiga. Studies on Ancient Ceramics. Proceedings of the European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics. Barcelona; pp. 115-118.

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This work is the result of the second series of analysis of samples of amphorae identified as North-African, discovered during the excavations carried out of between 1989 and 1992 in Monte Testaccio (Rome). A new method of analysis and the statistical treatment of date of chemical analysis are distinguishing the models of amphorae and are the verifing of hypothesis of source of archaeologist on the basis of external morphologies and by means of "seals" impressed on some of these amphorae.

"Caratterizzazione chimico-fisica delle anfore nord-africane del Monte Testaccio: nota preliminare."
Burragato F., Lazzarini L., Di Russo P.( 1993 )

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