"Un taller de forja en la villa romana del Vilarenc, Calafell (Baix Penedès, Tarragona)."
Gómez Sánchez J., Pérez Suñé J.M., Simón Arias J. ( 1995 )
La farga catalana en el marc de l'arqueologia siderúrgica. Primer Simposi Internacional sobre la Farga Catalana (Ripoll, 1993). Ministeri d'Afers Socials i Cultura. Andorra; pp. 115-124.

This work is the result of interdisciplinary collaboration between the Area of Ancient History of the UB and the Dept. of Science Material and Metallurgical Engineering of the UPC. We show the only structures known in the Iberian Peninsula of a forging workshop during Roman times, aroundjust the middle of the 1 st. century A.D., located in a rural villa that on the Tarraconian coast. We make reference to the first results of the metallurgical examination of a nail, which differe from the results published in the British Isles.

"Estructuras y funcionamiento de una herrería rural romana del Siglo I d.C."
Revilla Calvo V., Pérez Suñé J.M., Gómez Sánchez J., Pou i Vallès J.( 1996 )

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