"Rethinking the Boundaries of Baetica: a Historiographical Criticism from Spatial Display."
Bastos Zarandieta A.D., Martín-Arroyo Sánchez D., Castro García M.M., Lagóstena Barrios L.G. ( 2014 )
García, A., García, J., Maximiano, A., Ríos-Garaizar, J. (eds.) Debating spatial archaeology. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Landscape and Spatial Analysus in Archaeology. Santander, June 8th-9th, 2012. IIPC, 2014. pp.81-93.

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From a review of the political geography of Hispania Vlterior Baetica, we present some methodological principles to propose the geographical demarcation of provincial boundaries. Once the different historical proposals had been mapped, we proposed a buffer as an analysis tool. From the resulting proposal we have developed several study cases relating to the road network, the citizen territories and the provincial limes. The combination of various historical sources, the historiography and GIS applications proves its worth in the process of rethinking the provincial boundaries
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