"Oro líquido en los confines del Mundo Romano: la ruta del aceite bético desde las figlinae hasta el Muro de Adriano."
Ayllón-Martín, R., Pérez González, J. ( 2014 )
XVIII CIAC: Centro y periferia en el mundo clásico / Centre and periphery in the ancient world. S. 7. Las vías de comunicación en Grecia y Roma: rutas e infraestructuras. Communication routes in Greece and Rome: routes and infrastructures Mérida. 2014: 759-763

pdf (684 Kb)

Since there has not been one single analysis of the Dr. 20 stamps at the Tyne-Solway isthmus and Hadrian’s Wall, we will describe the evelopment of Baetican exports to the Tyne-Solway isthmus from a geographical and administrative dimension, as well as the internal distribution of olive oil once it was unloaded at the north of Britannia. Apart from dating economical transfers, our aim is to describe productive fluctuations and the role played by wall forts and supply forts within the Beatican oil distribution process.
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