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"RomanOpenData: A semantic based Data Visualization & Exploratory Interface" Gimenez Baques, X., Mosca, A., Rondelli, A., Rull Fort, G.( 2022 )
(1149 Kbytes)
"Epigrafia amfòrica i roman open data: Les àmfores del litoral central de Catalunya com a cas d'estudi" Palacín Copado, C., Pérez González, J., Rull Fort, G.( 2020 )
(13607 Kbytes)
"The ecology of Roman trade. Reconstructing provincial" Rubio-Campillo, X., Montanier, J.-M. Rull, R., Bermúdez Lorenzo, J.M., Moros Díaz, J., Pérez González, J., Remesal Rodríguez, J.( 2018 )
(4224 Kbytes)
"Provincias, sellos e hipótesis nulas: la identificación de rutas de comercio a través de medidas de distancia cultural" Rubio-Campillo, X., Bermúdez Lorenzo, J.M., Montanier, J.M., Moros Díaz, J., Pérez González, J., Rull Fort, G., Remesal Rodríguez, J.( 2018 )
(1505 Kbytes)
"The Wine Trade of Roman Crete: Construction of Onomastic and Geographical Networks " Martín-Arroyo, D., Prignano, L., Morer, I., Rull, G., García Sánchez, M., Díaz Guilera, A., Remesal Rodríguez, J.( 2017 )
(81 Kbytes)
"La banque de données d'épigraphie amphorique grecque du CEIPAC et EPNet Project" Remesal Rodríguez, J., García Sánchez, M., Rull, G.( 2017 )
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"Ontology-based data integration in EPNet: Production and distribution of food during the Roman Empire" Calvanese D., Liuzzo P., Mosca A., Remesal J., Rezk M., Rull G.( 2016 )
"A 'Historical Case' of Ontology-Based data Access" Calvanese, D., Mosca, A., Remesal, J., Rezk, M., Rull, G.( 2015 )
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"Knowledge Representation in EPNet" Mosca, A., Remesal Rodríguez, J., Rull, G., Rezk, M.( 2015 )
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"The EPNet Project. Production and distribution of food during the Roman Empire: economics and political dynamics." Remesal J., Díaz-Guilera A., Rondelli B., Rubio X., Aguilera A., Martín-Arroyo D., Mosca A., Rull G.( 2015 )
(839 Kbytes)
"Póster: The EPNet Project. Production and distribution of food during the Roman Empire: Economics and Political Dynamics." Remesal J., Díaz-Guilera A., Rondelli B., Rubio X., Aguilera A., Martín-Arroyo D., Mosca A., Rull G.( 2014 )
(888 Kbytes)
"Ánforas de la Antigüedad Tardía de la cisterna de Sa Mesquida (Calvià, Mallorca)" Marimon Ribas P., Riera Rullan M., Cau Ontiveros M.A., Orfila Pons M.( 2005 )
(2674 Kbytes)