"RomanOpenData: A semantic based Data Visualization & Exploratory Interface"
Gimenez Baques, X., Mosca, A., Rondelli, A., Rull Fort, G.( 2022 )
(1149 Kbytes)

"Epigrafia amfòrica i roman open data: Les àmfores del litoral central de Catalunya com a cas d'estudi"
Palacín Copado, C., Pérez González, J., Rull Fort, G.( 2020 )
(13607 Kbytes)

Benest, malest: archeologia di un gioco tardo-republicano
Baratta, G.( 2019 )
(4929 Kbytes)

"Provincias, sellos e hipótesis nulas: la identificación de rutas de comercio a través de medidas de distancia cultural"
Rubio-Campillo, X., Bermúdez Lorenzo, J.M., Montanier, J.M., Moros Díaz, J., Pérez González, J., Rull Fort, G., Remesal Rodríguez, J.( 2018 )
(1505 Kbytes)

"The Wine Trade of Roman Crete: Construction of Onomastic and Geographical Networks "
Martín-Arroyo, D., Prignano, L., Morer, I., Rull, G., García Sánchez, M., Díaz Guilera, A., Remesal Rodríguez, J.( 2017 )
(81 Kbytes)

"La banque de données d'épigraphie amphorique grecque du CEIPAC et EPNet Project"
Remesal Rodríguez, J., García Sánchez, M., Rull, G.( 2017 )
(963 Kbytes)

"Rural religion, religious places and local identities in Hispania: the sanctuary at Can Modolell (Cabrera de Mar, Barcelona)"
Sinner, A.G., Revilla Calvo, V. ( 2017 )

"Ontology-based data integration in EPNet: Production and distribution of food during the Roman Empire"
Calvanese D., Liuzzo P., Mosca A., Remesal J., Rezk M., Rull G.( 2016 )

Ronald Syme. El camino hasta "La Revolución Romana" (1928-1939)
García Vivas, G.( 2016 )
(3563 Kbytes)

"A 'Historical Case' of Ontology-Based data Access"
Calvanese, D., Mosca, A., Remesal, J., Rezk, M., Rull, G.( 2015 )
(1430 Kbytes)

Los orígenes del cristianismo en Asia Menor (a. 70-135). Textos e historia
Fontana Elboj, G.( 2015 )
(197 Kbytes)

"Knowledge Representation in EPNet"
Mosca, A., Remesal Rodríguez, J., Rull, G., Rezk, M.( 2015 )
(41526 Kbytes)

"The EPNet Project. Production and distribution of food during the Roman Empire: economics and political dynamics."
Remesal J., Díaz-Guilera A., Rondelli B., Rubio X., Aguilera A., Martín-Arroyo D., Mosca A., Rull G.( 2015 )
(839 Kbytes)

"Rethinking the Boundaries of Baetica: a Historiographical Criticism from Spatial Display."
Bastos Zarandieta A.D., Martín-Arroyo Sánchez D., Castro García M.M., Lagóstena Barrios L.G.( 2014 )
(1530 Kbytes)

"Póster: The EPNet Project. Production and distribution of food during the Roman Empire: Economics and Political Dynamics."
Remesal J., Díaz-Guilera A., Rondelli B., Rubio X., Aguilera A., Martín-Arroyo D., Mosca A., Rull G.( 2014 )
(888 Kbytes)

<<Marta GARCÍA MORCILLO, Las ventas por subasta en el mundo romano : la esfera privada, Barcelone, Publicacions i Editions Universitat de Barcelona, 2005 (Instrumenta 20), 29,5 x 21 cm, 371 p., 9 fig., ISBN 84-475-3017-5>>
Gérard Minaud M. G. M.( 2010 )
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"Le anfore Lamboglia 2 dal porto romano di Ancona."
Forti S., Paci G.( 2008 )

"Los grafitos nominales de las ánforas Dressel 20"
García Brosa G., Ozcáriz Gil P.( 2007 )
(185 Kbytes)

"Production et commerce des amphores hellénistiques: récipients, timbrage et métrologie"
Finkielsztejn G.( 2006 )
(91 Kbytes)

"Le anfore ad impasto grezzo rinvenute nella Venetia: tipologia, cronologia, distribuzione, caratteri chimico-petrografici e tecnologia di produzione"
Cipriano, S., Mazzocchin, S., De Vecchi, G., Zanco, A.( 2005 )
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"La data del naufragi"
Nieto X., Vivar G., Carreras Monfort C.( 2004 )

Il culto di Mercurio nella Penisola Iberica
Baratta G.( 2001 )

"Los grafitos"
García Brosa G., García Morcillo M., Ozcáriz Gil P., Rovira Guardiola R.( 2001 )

"Los grafitos del siglo II (campañas de 1989 y 1990)"
Casulleras Calvo J., García Brosa G., García Morcillo M., Rovira Guardiola R.( 1999 )

"Mercatores y negotiatores: ¿simples comerciantes?"
García Brosa G.( 1999 )
(454 Kbytes)

"Progetto Testaccio. Datazione e caratterizzazione di anfore olearie betiche"
Martini M., Sibilia E., Spinolo G., Grubessi O., Marelli L.( 1999 )

<<José Remesal Rodríguez. Heeresversorgung und die wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen der Baetica und Germanien. Materialen zu einem Corpus der in Deutschland veröffentlichten Stempel auf Amphoren der Form Dressel 20. Materialhefte zur Archäologie in Bad>>
Pereira-Menaut G.( 1998 )

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